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Press contact
Contact: Inga Töller, Chief Growth Officer
Email: press(at)
ONOMOTION is a European cargobike manufacturer based in Berlin. Its goal is to improve the quality of life in cities by rethinking urban logistics. The company combines the fields of micromobility, containerization and the physical internet to make urban logistics much more efficient and sustainable.
Corporate Identity
ONO Cargo - Drive change

ONO Cargo - Vehicle (001)
Photo Credit: Emoving GmbH

ONO Cargo - Vehicle (002)
Photo Credit: ONOMOTION GmbH

ONO Cargo - Vehicle (003)
Photo Credit: ONOMOTION GmbH

ONO Cargo - Vehicle (004)
Photo Credit: ONOMOTION GmbH

ONO Cargo - Vehicle (005)
Photo Credit: ONOMOTION GmbH

ONO Cargo - Vehicle (006)
Photo Credit: ONOMOTION GmbH