Meet Merret: Proud plant mama and a member of our Sales Team. “Come on, there’s got to be a way for it be done more sustainably…”
Can you tell us a bit about yourself?
Hello everybody, I am Merret. I am 24-years old. When I’m not working, I’m enjoying being outdoors an incredible amount of time and hanging out with friends. I taught myself embroidery during Corona and you can already tell, I’m a little plant mama. I have a lot of plants that I take care of.

What’s your experience been like working at ONOMOTION?

I’ve been with the company for a year and a half now. I started as an intern and have since been hired as a student trainee. I came across ONOMOTION back then as part of my bachelor thesis. Even during my studies, I had already dealt with logistics and logistics processes and always asked myself: “Come on, there’s more to it, it can be done more sustainably,”. Then I wrote my bachelor’s thesis on sustainable alternatives in logistics and ended up at ONOMOTION, where I have since been enthusiastically helping to drive our mission forward in order to make our city centers more sustainable and livable again.
My work at ONOMOTION is incredibly flexible. Especially during the time when I was also mainly studying, I was able to arrange my working days in the way that was most suitable. I’ve had incredibly flexible hours and you see, I’m also in the home office right now – so that’s not a problem at all.
How do the company’s values fit with your personal life?
At our company, we are trying to make cities more sustainable again with our logistics concepts, with our vehicle, and also in my domestic environment. I try to live as sustainably as possible. I try to do without where I can in order to make my contribution to the future.
The team is very important for me at ONOMOTION. We are an incredibly cool team that gets a lot done. We have an unbelievably high team spirit and together we have really brought some very successful projects to the streets.